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2016 Rocket Pop Steering

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 10:26 am
by Jason
Rocket Pop our 2016 Detroit Kart, and first official kart had some pretty solid steering. Some of the details include.

Front wheel disc brakes
10 degrees KPI (King Pin Inclination) or SAI (Steering Axis Inclination)
0 Camber
Fully adjustable Castor
Slight Toe In Bias
Basic Ackermann triangulated to the center of the rear axle.

The entire axle bolts in based on two U-Bolts, this is what gives the adjustable castor. We welded on a tab with multiple bolt holes to lock it in. The spindles were made out of hex shaped couplers with brash bushing pushed in. We CNC'ed our Ackermann arms/tie rod end mounts and other gussets. This could be done by hand though.

Spindle Axis
Spindle Axis
2016-06-19 15.38.21.jpg (153.88 KiB) Viewed 80866 times
Spindles With Tie Rod Ends
Spindles With Tie Rod Ends
2016-06-20 18.48.18.jpg (263.11 KiB) Viewed 80866 times
Bare Axle with knuckles being welded
Bare Axle with knuckles being welded
2016-06-19 18.07.09.jpg (127.08 KiB) Viewed 80866 times
Mounted to Frame
Almost Mounted Spindle
Almost Mounted Spindle
2016-06-22 20.59.55.jpg (237.72 KiB) Viewed 80866 times
Mounted to Frame
Mounted to Frame
2016-06-22 21.59.47.jpg (180.64 KiB) Viewed 80866 times
Full Axle
Full Axle
2016-06-22 22.00.00.jpg (238.72 KiB) Viewed 80866 times
Fulle Axle 2
Fulle Axle 2
2016-06-22 22.00.20.jpg (150.37 KiB) Viewed 80866 times
Disc Brake
Disc on Wheel
Disc on Wheel
2016-07-03 19.45.43.jpg (285.38 KiB) Viewed 80866 times
Disc Brake Asm
Disc Brake Asm
2016-06-30 22.46.10.jpg (331.44 KiB) Viewed 80866 times
Disc Brake Front
Disc Brake Front
2016-07-02 13.14.34.jpg (292.71 KiB) Viewed 80866 times